
Showing posts from 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow another new year is coming.. can't imagine! what I have gone through last year fast 2008 liao!! but I ofcoz hope everyone i know will be healthy and happy always. Ofcoz world peace...... then country will be in peace, everyone will be safe!


苏打绿-无与伦比的美丽 歌词 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 我若担心我不能飞 我有你的草原 你形容我是这个世界上 无与伦比的美丽 我知道你才是这世界上 无与伦比的美丽 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 你形容我是这个世界上 无与伦比的美丽 我知道你才是这世界上 无与伦比的美丽 你知道当你需要个夏天 我会拼了命努力 我知道你会做我的掩护 当我是个逃兵 你形容我是这个世界上 无与伦比的美丽 我知道你才是这世界上 无与伦比的美丽 天上风筝在天上飞 地上人儿在地上追 你若担心你不能飞 你有我的蝴蝶 我若担心我不能飞 我有你的草原

My company annual dinner at Penang - Bayview Beach Resort

Back again with more photos where my company annual dinner held at Penang, Bayview Beach Resort. Quite a big resort also, got a big swimming pool and a white sand beach just outside the resort. Wonderful!!! But the time i reach, already start the tele-match game, then dinner rehearsal for a short performance, after bath hv to get dress up for the annual dinner some more. What you know? I dress up as Kadazan, looks nice but the material of the dress make me feel hot onli. After dinner disco till midnite, the next day after breakfast then go for my company branch visit, but some biscuits in the market. Lunch at Evergreen seafood restaurant if i am not mistaken, wat to say? The food so so la... the most regret that I didnt done in Penang is to EAT !!!! especially those Char Kiew Tiu .. penang food..! The view that I have taken from the balcony of room. Nice view right? I took this pic at the balcony of my rooms 10th floor. Before going into for the big fest, having to take photos with my

Congratulation to the COUPLE!!

Well another big day for anorther lovely couple!!! Congratulation to David n Cola. Here are some pics i would like to share. Nice nice..!! i only c pretty gals..hahah.. Bride ofcoz the middle white 旗袍 & the bridegroom is the only GUY in the pic lah..hahah

我最爱的乐队 - 苏打绿·

苏打绿-迟到千年 我认识苏打绿的第一首歌,因为这首歌我爱上他们-小情歌 苏打绿-背着你 有没有发觉每一只MV都好写意@@@

Steamboat Personality Test

I like this test when is about steamboat!!! YUMMY... Quite true What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat? A. Winter ( To Qn 2) B. Summer (To Qn 5) C. No matter what season (To Qn 1) 1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food? A. Like (To Qn 2) B. Don't like (To Qn 5) 2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup? A. Yes (To Qn 3) B. No (To Qn 6) 3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do? A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn 13) B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10) 4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant? A. Famous ( To Qn 7) B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8) 5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat, will you dare to try? A. Yes ( To Qn 6) B. No ( To Qn 8) 6. How many people do you like

Check Your 2008's Fortune! - Chinese Horoscopes

Dunno you guys believe or not? But just to show around... Just click on the link… 2008's Fortune : 1) Rat: 2) Cow: 3) Tiger: 4) Rabit: 5) Dragon: 6) Snake: 7) Horse: 8) Goat: 9) Monkey: 10) Chicken: 11) Dog: 12) Pig: Powered by ScribeFire .

Latest News Update 20th Sep

Its been a while after my latest event, it was on 9th Sep, where my registration for marriage held at klang last last week. Sorry for reporting it so late, but it was a wonderful day!! is truly memorable, I cant even get it out of my mind. Thanks for everyone...for coming!!! For more photos, go to My Wedding site


朋友们, 我只能对你们说我非常高兴的认识你们,无论天涯海角我都会珍惜大家的友谊。缘分是难得的,我们能认识是上天给我们的安排.我真的真的很感激你们陪我走了这么远的路,我也希望大家能手牵手的走到最后,不论未来发生什么事,我会第一时间站出来帮!如在我能力范围。 虽然现实人人都只会用口讲但我相信真正当你是朋友的会用心来聆听你的心,我只有可以用心来回报你们的关爱! 我只有一句心地话要对你们说那就是~~谢谢你们!!~~ 懿上 11日8月2007年 10点38分

August is my special month

八月,是我最特别的一个月!认识我的人一定都懂为什么这么特别。。从小我妈都很注重!到时间大家都一定在那天都拥有的东西。那就是 -> 大蛋糕!满天星大蛋糕。。 我在此祝自己生日快乐和祝轩一样生日快乐。。我希望我的家人及朋友们都健健康康,快快乐乐!

Beautiful Pics



每個人都有潛在的失業危險,每個人也都有他的潛力與運氣 現在好不代表永遠好 所以 ~身為主管 ..好好用心的對待每一個人.. 因你不曉得何時會與他有交集...畢竟地球是圓的 Friday , 08:30 PM 我靠在我的大辦公桌,端著熱奶茶,看著辦公室外頭的夜景。 川流不息的車燈,讓我想起我的 BMW — 在我失業的第3個月賣掉的愛駒。 是的,我也曾失業過數月,即使我現位列年薪 7 位數的外商高階主管。 在我尋覓新枝而四處面試時,遇到不少鮮事,其中一位態度甚差的人資主管,尤其讓 我印象深刻,她首先讓我等了近 30分,姿態頗高,面談時也不太看人,肢體語言輕 率,其間接了 6 次手機,每次大概講了至少 2 分鐘,包括朋友家人,”會帶 XX 菜回 家 ” 云云,絲毫不覺不妥。 最後,她告訴我:「你的履歷很完整,(看著履歷表),阿!你是 xx 座的,這種人工作 認真,你有工作狂的傾向吧。」 我一直記得這個 ”怪怪”的 interview。 ~~~而今天就像連續劇情節般,我面試到她。 一進來,我就認出她來。我更好奇將她履歷看的更仔細些,在餘光中我察覺到她似乎 也對我有印象。 事實上,她的履歷穩定度不高,每個工作平均約 1.5年,現在也是處於待業狀態。 我問她離職原因,回答是個人因素(???)。 我告訴她,這個職務英文須聽說寫流利,她點頭說知道。 〈我注意到她履歷表上寫著英文流利。〉 「 Good!」,我說「因你並無任何外商履歷,以下我們皆以英文面談。」 她臉上掠過一絲不安….. 讓我訝異的是,所有對話幾乎是答非所問,且回答不超過3句。如:「 Could you tell me the difference between“ career’ and“ job” ?」 「I all like them」(?????) 「Excuse me?」 「Oh! It 's ok !」(?????) 「Excuse me?」 「Oh! It 's ok !」(?????) 她越來越焦慮,我也是人,雖然湧起幾分復仇的快感,但很快被悲哀取代。 台語俗諺說得好:搖擺沒有落魄得久,攏是相遇得到的。 我很快結束了面試,而她在起身時,還因撞到差點跌倒,幾乎 ”狼狽”地走出my office. 我突然想起很多人們,那些也曾遭受”莊孝維般的面試”故事,真的,不少


To my married and unmarried friends: This is a very touching story, please read it slowly, I've read it more than twice.... When You Divorce Me, Carry Me Out in Your Arms On my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car Stopped in front of our one-room flat. My buddies insisted that I carry her out of the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home. She was then plump and shy.. I was a strong and happy bridegroom. This was the scene ten years ago. The following days were as simple as a cup of pure water: we had a kid; I went into business and tried to make more money. When the assets were steadily increasing, the affection between us seemed to ebb. She was a civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost at the same time. Our kid was studying in a boarding school. Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable changes. Dew came into my life. It was a sunny day. I stood on a s


换换爱,有人知道吗?是部台湾青春偶像剧,由杨丞琳,贺军翔和王传一合影!好好看哦。。但我的电脑坏了,没有的下载!好可惜。。等有了新电脑一定要重出江湖。杨丞琳好kawaii........... 换换爱首页 杨丞琳首页

The nighT AT fren's wedding

Wedding..what else can it be? Two both lover getting together living in the same house having to share both happy n sadness together..well, tats where i moving on. But formally is looking at other people 1st. hahaha..